Grow in Community
Grow in Community
We want to grow in Christ together through events, ministries, and small groups. We invite you to be a part of what God is doing through our church in Downers Grove!
Next Steps Class
Sunday, January 19 | 12-2 PM
Ready to take your next step in faith? Sign up for Next Steps if you are interested in Believer's Baptism or Church Membership.
Women's Outreach Project
Friday, January 24 | 6:30 PM
Women are invited to make blankets & color cards for Phil's Friends, a nonprofit whose mission is to provide Christ-centered support and hope to those affected by cancer.
Please sign up so we know how many to plan for pizza and supplies.
EQUIP Volunteer Gathering
Sunday, January 26 | 12-2:30 PM
EQUIP is a volunteer gathering with one goal: to equip YOU in your life, your leadership, and your walk with Jesus. We are so grateful for all you do to love, lead, and serve FBC, and we believe this time will provide encouragement and value.
Grove Students Cascade Mountain Trip
Saturday, February 15
Middle School & High School students - sign up on Church Center for a day of skiing, snowboarding, tubing, or hang in the lodge!
Joy in the Journey Soup Luncheon
Sunday, February 16 | 12 PM
Ladies 64+ are invited to a soup lunch after church. Guest Speaker: Laura Wernimont, Canines for Christ
Downers Grove Christian School Annual Dinner & Gala Auction
Friday, March 14
Please join us for silent & live auctions, dinner, and refreshements, as we support our ministry, DGCS.
Connect with FBC on Church Center
Our Church Center mobile app gives you access to:
• Church Calendar
• Event Sign-Ups
• Church Directory
• Small Groups
• Online Giving
and more - all in one convenient place!