Why attend Sunday School?
Why attend Sunday School?
At First Baptist Church of Downers Grove, we emphasize building community and motivating believers to maturity in Christ in our Sunday School classes & Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs). Each class is designed to equip the believer and encourage them in their walk of faith.
Click the categories below to see what each group is learning in Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships.
At Grove Kids, our mission is to make disciples who know, grow, and go! We want to teach kids about God, help them grow in their faith, and then go share Jesus with others. Our focus is Scripture-based and points kids to Jesus as Savior. Child Check-in: West Entrance, 2nd Floor
• Nursery (Ages 0-2) | Love & Care for our most precious attendees. Please leave any notes with our Nursery volunteers. We will text you if a diaper change is required.
• Preschool (Ages 3&4) | Age-appropriate lessons, play, and songs that teach preschoolers all about Jesus!
• Kindergarten & 1st Grade | Age-appropriate lessons that teach K & 1st Graders all about Jesus! Teachers occasionally bring the class to sing and worship together in the Sanctuary.
• 2nd-5th Grade | 2nd & 3rd Grade and 4th & 5th Grade are divided into separate classes for Sunday School to encourage grade level-appropriate learning.
* Parents & Guardians must pick up their 2nd-5th Grade child at Check-in by 10:10 AM (after Sunday School). Children in Nursery - 1st Grade remain in their classrooms for the transition from Sunday School to Children's Church.
Grove Students
Grove Students' mission is to make disciples who know God, grow in Christ, and go share the gospel with others. We want to equip students to be able to study and interpret the Bible. We are learning about Church History. Students are encouraged to bring a Bible and be ready to learn!
• For students 6th - 12th grade
• Location: Room C201 (Upstairs Chapel)
Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are classes designed for fellowship and growth in faith.
Each of these classes share a common desire: to know God and grow in Christ.
The Book of Samuel
This class covers First and Second Samuel in the Old Testament.
Leader: Stan Rea
Location: Room 103 (lower level)
This class explores the Parables of Jesus, followed by the Miracles of Jesus.
Leader: David Montoya
Location: Room 101 (lower level)
Family Discipleship
This class will equip parents and caregivers how to disciple their children in the home.
Leader: Shari Peterson
Location: Chapel