Grow in Community

We want to grow in Christ together through events, ministries, and small groups. We invite you to be a part of what God is doing through our church in Downers Grove!



Ladies' Book Club

Friday, March 7 | 7 PM

Women are invited to join us for the next Book Club discussion on "The Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd.

FBC Business Meeting

Wednesday, March 12 | 7 PM

Members are encouraged to attend to vote on the annual budget and committee elections.

Downers Grove Christian School Annual Dinner & Gala Auction

Friday, March 14

You're invited to celebrate the mission and future of our school ministry, DGCS! RSVP by Friday, March 7.


Baby Shower

Saturday, March 1 | 10 AM

FBC ladies are invited to a baby shower for Brittany Arcisz! Details and RSVP on Church Center.

Palm Sunday Service

Sunday, April 13 | 10:30 AM

Celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem during our worship gathering! Nursery is provided for ages 0-2 and Children's Church for Preschool - 5th Grade.

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 18 | 6 PM

Join us for a somber service as we remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Nursery is provided for ages 0-4.

Easter Sunday Services

Sunday, April 20 | 9 AM & 10:30 AM

Celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection at one of our Easter Sunday services in Downers Grove. Nursery is provided for ages 0-2 and Children's Church for Preschool-1st Grade.

DGCS JAM Evening of Worship

Wednesday, April 30 | 6:30 PM

You're invited to an evening of worship with JAM (Jesus and Motion)!

Connect with FBC on Church Center

Our Church Center mobile app gives you access to:

• Church Calendar

• Event Sign-Ups

• Church Directory

• Small Groups

• Online Giving

and more - all in one convenient place!