Grove Students
Grove Students
Grove Students is a youth ministry for middle school and high school students (6th - 12th Grade). We exist to make disciples who know Jesus, grow in Jesus, and go share Jesus with others.
Connect with us
Youth Group
Youth Group is a weekly time for students to gather, worship Jesus, and grow in relationship with one another. Join us to connect with other students and grow spiritually.
Middle School Youth Group | 6:15 - 7:30 PM
High School Youth Group | 7:30-9 PM
We are studying Psalms of Hymns & Thanksgiving through May!
Sunday School
Our Sunday School class meets at 9 AM. Our class helps 6th-12th Grade students to be more like Jesus Christ. One of our primary goals is to equip students to be able to interpret the Bible.
Youth Events & Mission Trips
We want to equip, engage, and empower students to grow in Christ through our youth events. Events are also a great opportunity to grow in community. If you want to sign up for an event, visit our Church Center app for mobile or web.
In an effort to fulfill the Great Commission, “To go into all the world and make disciples of all nations,” we prioritize making disciples of our students and forming them toward Christ. Christ left His glorious throne because He had a mission to save His people. In other words, we serve on mission trips because God is on mission.
Meet our Youth Pastor
Johnny Elliott
Johnny is passionate about creating disciples and about teaching them to walk with God in all aspects of their life. Growing up in a family of seven in Colorado, he is active and loves to be around other people. He enjoys playing sports, working out, and watching movies. Johnny and his wife, Hannah, have three children.